Meet Dylan: athlete, artist, and downright hard worker.

Dylan likes to play basketball, especially when he scores points, but he is most proud to be a Special Olympics athlete.
He said, “I like playing basketball, but running on the track is better. I’m real fast.”
When he’s not practicing for competitions, Dylan creates art pieces for The Blue Umbrella.
“It is a joy to have Dylan in our Blue Umbrella classroom as he is usually eager to help with anything we are doing,” said Brittney Wood, Conway Human Development Center staff member. “He seems to do better when he has a step-by-step plan for each project. It doesn’t matter what we ask him to do though; Dylan will always try, even if he doesn’t succeed at first.”
Dylan says painting and drawing are fun, but he loves getting paid for his work. The money in his pocket helps him buy his favorite treats – gum and root beer – but he also has his goals set for the long-term.
Dylan wants to work to get more money, and he knows just what he wants to do with it.
”I want to get a job and an apartment. I want to be more independent,” Dylan said.
When he is assigned a task like cleaning, Dylan doesn’t just quickly get the chore done. When he mops the floors, he said he likes to mop until they shine.
As an athlete, artist, and employee, Dylan works hard to achieve what he sets out to do. He has faced challenges in life, but he believes he can overcome anything by taking his time and working through challenges. Someday, he wants to have the skills to be a mechanic who works on diesel and semi-trucks.

Every item sold in The Blue Umbrella helps people like Dylan achieve their goals and dreams. Stop by today to buy some art for your home or as a gift.